Homemade Pizza

I decided, as I so often seem to want pizza for dinner, to try a homemade version. This serves the dual purpose of being healthier (than ordering takeaway pizza) and using leftovers up!

For the Dough:

Put 300g of Plain/Bread Flour into a mixing bowl. Add 1 tsp instant yeast (comes in sachets and pots), and 1 tsp salt and mix with a wooden spoon. Make a well in the middle of dry ingredients and add 200 ml warm water (MUST be warm.Too cold=yeast doesn't work.Too hot=dead yeast.) and 1 tbsp olive oil, then work into a dough. 
Next, roll out dough, shaping into a circle ( I rolled the edge up to create a crust which also helped to shape it), then add a basic tomato sauce (I used one from a jar), toppings and cheese. Bake in the oven at 170C for 15-20 minutes, unti the crust sounds hollow when tapped at the edges and the cheese has melted.


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