Chicken, Meatball, Carrot and Leek Pie

This is what I made for pie day (they are the centre pies in the bottom picture).  I used a recipe from one of Jamie Oliver's books, but omitted the celery. Fry the chicken in a large saucepan (like the one in the top picture) with the carrots and leeks for about 15 minutes. Turn the heat right up, cover in flour, and a couple of minutes later add a small glass each of water, milk and white wine, adding in equal measures until you acheive a good consistency. Allow to simmer on the hob for 20 minutes, then transfer into the pie dish. For the meatballs, make then, brown in a pan for 5 minutes then add to the pie dish. You can either make small pies, similar to the ham and cheese puffs, or put in large dish and cover the top with pastry. Cook in the oven at 175 for 20 minutes until the pastry is golden.


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