Herby Crusted Salmon

I am always trying to do different takes on salmon, and so recently I made this herby crusted salmon with creamy potatoes, broccoli and peas.

For the salmon (for two people) 
Top two salmon fillets with a herb (I used an Italian seasoning mix) breadcrumb and parmesan (only about 20g) mix, with some seasoning. Put the two fillets in a pan, and then top with this mix, and cook for 25-30mins.

Potatoes, broccoli and peas
These can all be cooked in the same pan. Chop the potatoes into slices, and cook for 30 mins, then add the chopped broccoli after 15 mins, and then add the peas after a further 10 mins (25 mins into cooking in total). These need to be drained after 30 minutes in total, and plated up next to the salmon.

For the sauce 
Warm 100ml of cream (I used single) in a saucepan, and then add a small amount of the same herbs used on the salmon into it, as well as a small glug of white wine if you have some. You can also add mushrooms, however I chose not too, as I'm not a huge mushroom fan. Pour the sauce over the potatoes when it is all plated up, and there you go!

Hope you enjoy my take on a new salmon recipe! 


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