Coffee Architects's Cookie Dough Cake

Just a quick one - apologies for the lack of posts in April so far, I've been on a couple of trips away and have been slacking! But keep your eyes out for a round up of food on my trip to New York coming up!

I wanted to share a little review of my most recent trip to Coffee Architects in Leamington Spa. Their cakes are made by Fanny's Fancies, and I would highly recommend following both on Instagram if you want to add some gorgeous food to your feeds!

I went recently and had English Breakfast Tea and well as a slice of their Cookie Dough cake - super sweet, but very moist and tasty, with real chunks of cookie dough inside! I would definitely have this one again. A tip when you go - if you can't decide between the many cake (as they all look amazing) ask one of the servers which cakes they don't have all the time - by going for a rarer cake, there's more chance you'll get to try a different/out there one!


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