Chicken Pie Puff

The other night, I set out to make a full chicken pie, but ended up making two individual (although a bit huge) Pie Puffs. 

Recipe (two people, approximately an hour cooking time)

  • One block of puff pastry (I used Jusroll)
  • 2 chicken breasts
  • One onion
  • 2 small carrots 
  • 1 sweet potato 
  • Plain flour 
  • Milk 

Firstly, put on the oven on at 180 degrees. Then chop and cook the onions in a large pan, for about 5 minutes until brown. While this is cooking, chop the chicken into cubes, and then add to the pan of onions. Brown the chicken, and then chop the carrots and sweet potato into similar size cubes. Add these to the pan, and then add a covering of plain flour. Let this cook for about a minute, then add the milk a little bit at a time until you have a sauce forming. Add a little bit of water at this point. Here, add any herbs you so wish.

While this is gently simmering, roll out the pastry into two nearly-identical rectangles - the idea is that these will be folded in half around the filling so make them a shape that will accommodate that. Prep either an egg or milk wash, then add the filling to the pastry, close it up (I used a fork around the edges to seal it), add the wash and then place them in the oven!

Cook for 25-30 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown, then serve straight away! Could be served with peas or a salad if you like - I completely forgot and just served them as is!

Hope you enjoy this recipe, it could also be adapted to be a big pie, or just use the filling for a smaller but still satisfying meal!


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