New York Food Highlights

At the start of this month, I travelled to New York with a friend, for nine days of exploring the city - and eating our way through it! 

Here are some of my food highlights - I didn't take photos of all the food I ate (there was a lot) but I did take photos of the different/special ones, and I will add some other recommendations! 

This amazing scoop of edible cookie dough was from Cookie DO NYC - I had one scoop of the Heavenly Flavour, which was sugar cookie + nutella + chocolate chips + caramel bits + sea salt, it lived up to it's name! We tried to go on two occasions, and were successful on the second go. It is a very busy shop, and has a queue for it most the time - we didn't want to wait in the rain the first time! We had more success the second time, as we didn't have to queue outside and just queued in the shop.  I also tasted a couple of the other flavours and they were also great, although this is so sweet that you don't need more than one scoop! 

This cheesecake was from a place called Junior's Cheesecake, which I first saw featured on Paul Hollywood's City Bakes, just before my trip - excellent timing! I had a slice of the carrot cake cheesecake, and it was both delicious and huge - I ended up taking some of it to go and eating it in the break of the Broadway Show I saw that night! They have locations in both Times Square and Brooklyn; I went to the Times Square one during a day exploring Mid Town.

Also on the same day, we went to a bar called Top of the Strand and had a White Manhattan cocktail. This was a great way to get a view from up high, as both my friend and I had been up the Empire State visit on a previous trip to NYC.

Another drink recommendation - on the Saturday we were there we checked out the Brooklyn Brewery, after we had brunch in Williamsburg. They do free tours on weekends, and they open at 12pm, with the first tour going from 1pm. We ended up staying there and trying several beers - I would recommend the Pilsner! 

One of our unplanned, but wonderful, stops was the Dominque Ansel Bakery! We had the March Special Cronut, which was Blackberry Brown Sugar Toffee - I could not recommended this enough! The most interesting baked good I think I've ever had, and I since found out that they also have a bakery in London! 

Finally, when we were in Williamsburg we also tried out this pizza place that did such original pizza toppings! Mine at the front is chicken enchilada pizza (I couldn't wait to eat it, excuse the missing bite!) and my friend's was a Mac and Cheese pizza! This was how we discovered that one slice of pizza in New York is usually enough! I can't remember exactly what this place is called, just that it is very near the L train stop in Williamsburg! 

We tried to eat as much 'typical New York food' as we could during our nine days there! Other places that I would recommended: 
  • Joe's Pizza: - we had one slice before a comedy show and one slice afterwards (and after a couple of drinks) - any food that tastes good and hits the spot that well while both sober and a bit tipsy has my vote! 
  • Shake Shack: - we ate here twice, once at their location near the Natural History Museum and once in Grand Central Station. I had the ShackBurger and vanilla Shake, and then the second time I had the Chick'n'Shack and fries. So good! 
  • Mets Stadium: we went to see a game, and I had a hotdog, fries and a beer - I felt very American! 
Hope you find these tips helpful, and I have to say all the food I have had in New York has been great - it's an amazing city for food! 


Top 5 of Ella Bakery