Raspberry and White Chocolate Cookies

 I used frozen raspberries that I defrosted.                      Uncooked cookies

 My extremely wonky tray in the oven!

 So, this is a recipe I found in Good Housekeeping, which was actually an advert for condensed milk!

Here's the ingredients:
225g unsalted butter
225g caster sugar
175g condensed milk
350g self-raising flour
150g white chocolate, in small pieces
175g punnet raspberries

Preheat the oven to 175 degress celsius. Cream together the butter and sugar, then stir in the condensed milk. Add the flour and use your hands to work into a dough (the fun part)! Add the chocolate, then add the raspberries to the individual balls of dough when just before you put them on the tray. Make the cookies initially about 2-3cm in diameter, as they double in size when cooked. Cook until golden brown.


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