18th Birthday Cake

 The violet cake mix
Blue and green cakes

 Offcuttings of my four cakes (I had to level off the tops)
 All four cakes sandwiched together with buttercream

Here is my 18th Birthday Cake! It was a seven-layer rainbow cake. I made the bottom four colours (green, blue, indigo, violet) and my friend Lydia made the top three (red, orange, yellow). We then used buttercream to sandwich them together, and covered in fondant, which we coloured blue for the top layer and a marbled blue with red in it for the bottom layer.

The sponge was a basic vanilla, which was then coloured depending on which layer it was (warning: this cake involves quite a lot of washing up!). I used my basic sponge recipe, x 4, as the bottom layers were quite large.

The sponge recipe is 175g each of self-raising flour, unsalted butter, and caster sugar, and 3 eggs. Cream butter and sugar, add eggs one by one, then mix in flour. Cook at 170 degrees centigrade for about 20 minutes.

I had such fun making a cake like this, especially doing the fondant and decoration. For birthdays, I like having an excuse to go a bit crazy on my cake! This went down really well with all my friends, and the rainbow cake is a particularly stunning cake visually when you cut into it - a sure way to impress!


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