Jam Tarts

A couple of days ago I made jam tarts, because they are fairly easy to make but a nice bite - sized (three, I tested) snack.
For the pastry I used 100g of butter, softened and 250g of flour. Rub the butter into the flour until you get a breadcrumb consistency (the first picture), then add cold water, a teaspoon or two at a time until you get a decent ball of dough (the second picture). Let the dough rest for 20-30 minutes in the fridge, then it can be rolled out with a little flour on a working surface. Use an size cutter you like, depending on how big you want your jam tarts to be, and what size your tins are. My jam tarts had a 5cm diameter and I managed to make 24 tarts out of the dough. Each time, cut out as many as possible, then re-roll the dough and cut more out until you've used up all the dough.
Put a teaspoon of jam into each tart once they are in the tins (the third picture), and spread it evenly around the base of the tart. These can then go into the oven for 15-20 minutes at 170c in a fan oven. They should be taken out when the pastry is a light golden colour and the jam has been bubbling for a couple of minutes - this shows that it is hot enough.
The yellow tarts have lemon curd in - my Mum likes these so I made a few. I personally like strawberry or raspberry jam best for the filling, but whatever is your favourite! The bottom pictures are the jam tarts after I took them out of oven, and the bottom three are my three best tarts!


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