Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Necessary to have a glass of milk with cookies!

 This is the first time that I've made chocolate chip cookies in a while, but decided to because they are always very well received! I used a recipe from the Tana Ramsey cookbook, which I've used before but had to have a real search for. My favourite chocolate for cookies is Cadburys, which I used here, if you are making chunk cookies, or hershey's chocolate chips for chocolate chip cookies. This was rather a wet dough, and while the cookies were about 2-3 cm across when I put them on tray, they expanded to about 7-8 cm when fully cooked, so make sure to space them out. The recipe says it makes 40 cookies, and I managed to make 31, which I think was still enough. These were more crunchy rather than chewy, but I think if they were cooked for slightly less time they would be a bit chewier.

Both my friends and my English class seemed to enjoy this, and the smell of freshly baked cookies is a great one!


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