Chicken, Bacon and Avocado Pasta

I thought I would branch out a bit from baking, and include a few savoury dishes, as I cook dinner once or twice a week. This is a really easy meal to make, and is also great when cold or reheated for lunch the next day. For the chicken and bacon part, cook the chicken in a saucepan with just a bit of olive oil for about 20 minutes, until cooked, and add the bacon to the pan about 5 minutes before the chicken is done. For the pasta, cook any type of pasta, although I like penne best for this, for the time specified on the packet. Chop up an avocado into bitesize pieces, and for the sauce use about half a tablespoon per two people of mayonnaise, then add into it lemon pepper, a little bit of garlic powder, and some regular pepper. Once the pasta is cooked and drained, add the mayonnaise and stir it in, then add the chicken, bacon and avocado on top. This can easily be made for one, two, four or more!


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