Chocolate Protein Porridge

So for the first food post of 2019, I thought I would tell you about one of my favourite winter breakfasts. While I don't usually eat much on weekdays as I'm not much of a morning person, I really enjoy making this at the weekend or before a Sunday run!

Combine 50g of porridge oats and 20g of chocolate protein powder (I use Form Nutrition Chocolate Peanut powder).

Add 150ml of milk (I use oat milk for my porridge) and put in the microwave for 1 min 30 seconds at 600W. Then take it out, add 80g of frozen mixed berries, and return to the microwave for the same again. Check the porridge, and add a splash more milk if it's very thick, then do one final minute. 

Take out it, and serve with a sprinkle of mixed seeds!

Easy and quick but also warming and tasty, this is one of my weekend go-tos for sure. You don't have to be completely precise with the measurements if, like me, you are often a fan of eying up measurements! Just remember it's much easier to add milk than take it away, otherwise you could end up with very runny (if still easy) porridge! 


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