Sweet Potato and Tomato-ey Chickpeas

With dinners for the week ahead on my mind, I thought I would post about a dinner I made recently - it's pretty simple, but also very tasty and involves lots of veg!

I did one (smallish) roasted sweet potato per person, then added tomatoey chickpeas, half an avocado, and a handful of spinach.

Roast the sweet potatoes at 180 C for 45 minutes in the oven, cut in half with a little bit of olive oil.

When these are about 15 minutes from being ready, place half a tin of chickpeas per person in a pan, and add the equivalent amount of tinned tomatoes (one tin = one tin), and let this good for about 10 minutes on a gentle heat. I added a little bit of spice to it, with some paprika and a little touch of cayenne. 

While this is on the hob, slice the avocado and put that on each plate with the spinach, then when the sweet potatoes are done, serve these and spoon the tomatoey chickpeas on top!


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