Taking Fishcakes up a Notch

Welcome to the first post of 2017! Sorry for the slight delay in posting my first post of the new year, but it's a busy start! Here's a nice simple weeknight recipe. 

This is a very basic recipe, but a good reminder of how adding one element to a dish can give it whole different feel! In this case, we had a salmon and pesto fishcakes, with boiled new potatoes, broccoli and peas. However, this time I added two new elements to it - a pesto and natural yoghurt sauce (in the upper part of the plate) and a fried egg on top on the fishcake! Adding both of these in made it less dry, and the egg added an interesting different texture to the plate - an easy but effective addition to a quick weeknight meal! 

For anyone in the UK, I would definitely recommend Morrision's Salmon and Pesto fishcakes as they are tasty, and very easy to add to some vegetables for a last minute dinner, or when you need to eat quickly and get back out of the house in the evening! 


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