Champagne Cake

I actually made this cake over two years, but for some reason never got round to sharing the photos of it before! 

This was my mum's 50th Birthday cake, modelled on a Veuve Cliquot bottle, her favourite brand of champagne! It was a chocolate cake, with chocolate buttercream and fondant on top. 

I made 4 lots of my normal chocolate cake mixture, and baked them all in circular tins. I then cut all of the them in half, and laid the flat edge of the semi circle down on the (foil covered) chopping board, then sandwiched them all together. After putting them in the freezer for a few minutes to cool down and get a bit more solid, I then set about carving/trimming the cakes until I got to the champagne bottle shape that I wanted! 

I then covered this in buttercream, and put it back in the freezer while I coloured and rolled out the fondant. After this, it was a case of getting it on the cake, and shaping it to make the desired look!

This was such a fun cake to make, tasted good and was an excellent cake for a big celebration! 


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