Chicken and Meatball Pie

Two pies just out of the oven.

Plated up half of one pie each

I'm pretty sure that I've written about this pie before as part of my posts on pie day, but for pie day I made individual pies due to the ease of serving. For dinner the other day, my dad and I made these two pies - we intended to make one, but only using two large chicken breasts and 599g of puff pastry gave us enough filling and topping and make two pies, each of which made two very generous portions of pie. Lesson to remember: pie filling goes a lot further than you think! Especially with this one, as I use carrots and pork meatballs in the pie as well. The original Jamie Oliver recipe also included leeks and celery in the pie; I occasionally add leeks but not celery since the first time I made I as I found those didn't really work in a pie for me. So if you fancy a pie despite the summer heat that we are actually having in England this week, I would recommend this as one that feels light but is definitely still a very filling pie! I served this with mashed potatoes (could also be boiled) and peas.


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