Banoffee Pie

Base, banana and toffees layers ready to go into the fridge
Whipped cream layer added
Grated chocolate added on top 

This is the second of my three dessert posts. I made a banoffee pie, which I felt acted as a good contrast to the cheesecake, while still being relatively light and vaguely summery (I suppose in that it contained fruit).

I used a simple banoffee pie recipe. The base was made with the cheesecake base - both are just melted butter and digestive biscuits. That was then topped with three bananas cut into thin slices and then layered on top of the base in circles outward from the centre. I cooked a can of condensed milk in a large pot in the microwave, microwaving for 30 seconds and stirring until it was the toffee consistency. I then let this set in the fridge for an hour, then added the whipped cream and a little bit of grated dark chocolate. This is one of my favourite desserts, added to by the fact that it's so simple to make!


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