Rocky Road

Happy New Year on this first post of 2014! As we get into January, I have simple recipe that is so quick to put together and just a nice simple piece of chocolatey stuff! Apologies for no photo, I originally took this to a holiday party and forgot to take a photo before it all got eaten!

Rocky Road

320g milk chocolate
80g dark chocolate - the ratio of the two chocolate can be changed to suit personal preference
250g unsalted butter
4 tablespoons golden syrup
300g digestive biscuits
150g mini-marshmallows (or big marshmallows cut up but this gets sticky!)

Firstly, melt the butter, golden syrup and chocolate over a low heat until smooth and combined.

Meanwhile, crush the biscuits, aiming for both pieces and crumbs. Add the marshmallows to the bowl of biscuits. Pour 3/4 of the chocolate mixture over the biscuits and marshmallows and stir to combine.

Put this into a baking tray and use the back of metal spoon to flatten the mixture as it seems to stick to most other things! Pour the remaining 1/4 of the chocolate mixture evenly over the main mixture.

Put in the fridge to set until solid (or really as long as you can wait to eat it!)

Once it is set, it can be cut into whatever size pieces you want, but bear in mind it is quite rich so smaller pieces work better usually.



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