Greens Mac and Cheese

So, this is a pretty short post, really signposting to a recipe, but giving you a bit of a review/my take on the recipe.

I was really in the mood for mac and cheese, as a comfort food option. When I suggested this for dinner, my boyfriend wanted the dish a bit healthier, with some vegetables in, as he finds it a bit bland and samey otherwise and isn't a big fan.

So, after a Google, I found this Jamie Oliver recipe which I worked from: Greens Mac 'n' Cheese

I amended this slightly, as I cooked four portions rather than six. I also didn't have leeks, so I left these out and instead added in a portion of peas to the dish, when I added the cooked pasta to the sauce in the oven dish. I also liked that this gave me a way to use the whole broccoli, as I don't usually eat the stalk.

You can also see from the photo above that I didn't actually use macaroni! Due to lockdown stock struggles, I couldn't find any macaroni at our local supermarket and so went for a different type of pasta, which still worked well.

Dish ready to go in the oven 

I used panko breadcrumbs on this, which gave a nice crisp. As you can see in the top photo, it doesn't cover the whole portion, and this is because I had a struggle dishing this up! I love the crunch of the panko breadcrumbs, as I think it really lifts the pasta and provides an good texture contrast.

Overall I enjoyed this dish. However, while it was a good cheesy pasta dish, it didn't quite satisfy the mac and cheese craving, as it was quite different from the classic. But still a dish I would make again!


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