Mix and Match Soups

With a return to some rainy weather, this felt like a good time to share my 'mix and match' soup combo.

I find that soup is a great way to use up small bits of veg that don't make a portion by themselves. It also works well as a way to eat less appetising bits of vegetables. For example, I save the broccoli stalks when I cook the florets for a dish. These aren't great eaten by themselves, but bulk up a soup well, and it means that none of the vegetable is wasted. This method also works with any leafy green veg with a hard stalk in the middle e.g. savoy cabbage - save the hard stalks or less appetising bits, chop them up small and add them into a soup.

I use a soup maker, which makes four portions each time when filled to the maximum. This would also work by boiling the vegetables, then using a handheld blender, a blender or similar to get the smooth texture once cooked.

For the base of each soup, I fry off one-two onions (depending on size) and a couple of gloves of garlic. I find it's good to add some root vegetables, e.g. potatoes or carrots, as these really help with the texture. I'd recommend making the root vegetables at least half of the soup volume, and then you can add any other vegetables that you would like, such as the leftover broccoli stalks, leeks, cabbage, tomatoes, butternut squash or really anything you'd like in soup!

In addition to this, I add a vegetable stock cube, and salt and pepper. I then use a variety of herbs and spices, depending on the vegetables. For example, butternut squash goes well with a bit of cinnamon, ginger and tumeric, or you can go for a classic carrot and coriander. Leek and potato soup works well with some rosemary and thyme. I suggest playing around with it, and seeing what your favourite combination is, as a lot of it is down to personal taste.

This makes a great lunch eaten straight away, with a bread roll, and can also be reheated in the following days, which is way its good to make extra portions. You can also add seeds or a sprinkle of spice on top, as I've done above with a hint of paprika and sunflower seeds.

I hope this provides some inspiration and ideas for your next comforting bowl of soup!


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