Chicken and Potato Salad

As the weather in London has been lovely the last couple of days (and I am being very optimistic about spring coming) I would like to share a good recipe for warmer months, that is a good quick weeknight dinner.

For the potatoes: chop into small chunks with the skins on, then boil until they are just starting to crumble. Then add splash of white wine vinegar, and just enough mayonnaise to lightly coat the potatoes. Once the potatoes are boiling, then start the chicken.

For the grilled chicken: flatten one chicken breast per person with a rolling pin. This will allow it to cook more evenly. Dust each side with a small amount of chinese five-spice, then place in a hot griddle pan, on a medium heat. Cook for 8 minutes on the first side, then turn over to cook the other side. Keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't burn. 

Once the chicken is in the griddle pan. assemble the salad base. Put some spinach down on the plate, then chop some baby plum tomatoes (lengthwise looks nicer), grate or chop in the food processor one carrot per person, and add half an avocado per person. Add the potatoes and chicken on top, and serve. 

I find this tends not to need another sauce, but you could serve with more mayonnaise or another light dressing. Hope you enjoy!


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