The 200th: Celebrating and Moving Forward

It's a celebration! So, as the title might give away, this my 200th post on the Ella Bakery - it's been a long time since my first two posts on the 12th September 2012! On that day I shared a welcome post, and a post about my first ever attempt at making carrot cake!

Well in the almost five years since those first posts I have certainly make several more carrot cakes (Hummingbird Bakery recipe definitely wins in my eyes) and have shared a variety of posts. I've lived in 5 different houses/flats and experienced the difficulty of ovens that don't quite work as well as they should, and moved towards making a lot more savoury recipes as I started cooking for myself full time when I moved to university.

While this post is not hugely widely read, I really enjoy using it as a hobby and a way to keep a track of my baking (or occasionally lack thereof!) and to keep challenging myself to think of new and tasty recipes to share!

My post read blog post is one from the very early days of the blog, Millionaire Cupcakes - I haven't made these for a while, so maybe I should give them another go! My aim for the summer ahead is to get back into baking more - even if its a small batch so that I don't eat all of it!

This is another one of my top read posts - my 18th Birthday cake! I had so much fun making this cake, and it took us quite a while to eat it too! 

I hope you have enjoyed reading some of this blog, and I look forward to 200 more blogs - hopefully I'll get there sooner than 2022!

Thanks for reading,
Ella aka The Ella Bakery xxx 


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