Sesame Chicken Noodles

This is a great quick weeknight meal - often if my boyfriend is starting work early in the evening, and has to have an earlier dinner, he will make the chicken and vegetable elements of this, then when I get home or want my dinner later, I will cook myself the noodles and add the chicken and vegetables to the pan to reheat it. 

Ingredients (for two people) 
  • Half of an onion 
  • Two chicken breasts
  • Olive oil
  • Sesame Oil
  • Soy Sauce
  • Rice Vinegar 
  • Tomato Puree
  • Touch of sugar
  • One carrot 
  • Half a head of broccoli 
  • Peas
  • Two bundles of egg noodles 
  • Sesame seeds (optional garnish) 

Finely chop half an onion, then fry it in normal olive oil. Once this has softened, push the onion to the sides of the frying pan, and add sesame oil to the centre of the pan. Add the chicken on top of this sesame oil and brown it. If you have extra time before cooking, the chicken can be marinated in paprika for a couple of hours.

While this is cooking, prepare the sauce. Combine 2 parts soy sauce, 1 part rice vinegar, with a squirt of tomato puree and a little bit of sugar. Add the sauce to the pan with the chicken and onions, and let the sauce simmer and reduce.

In a separate pan, par boil carrots for about 8 minutes, then add them to the main frying pan. You can then use this pan again, and fully boil the broccoli in it for about 12 minutes, depending on preference. Three minutes before the broccoli is done, add the peas to cook. 

Once you have added the peas to the broccoli pan, cook the noodles for three minutes (make sure the water is boiling before you put the the noodles in) in a separate pan. When these are done, mix them, as well as the broccoli and peas into the main pan for a final minute of cooking in the sauce. Serve and top with a sprinkling of sesame seeds. 

I hope you enjoy - this is a meal that I keep coming back to, because it is quick and tasty! 


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