Chicken and Chorizo Stew

I know we are starting to get into spring (finally!) but since the English weather can never be trusted, this chicken and chorizo stew will still be a winner on those colder evenings!

Ingredients (to make a 2 person portion)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 2 links of chorizo sausage
  • 1 can of chopped tomatoes
  • Tomato paste 
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 large carrot 
  • Mixed herbs
  • Chicken OXO cube
  • Chicken Bisto
Heat a small glug of olive oil in a large pan, and then add the chopped onion and garlic. Once those have softened, add the chicken and chorizo, chopped into small pieces. Let these brown, then add the tin of chopped tomatoes and a squeeze of tomato paste. Bring this to the boil, then add the potatoes and carrot to the pan. Add some mixed herbs (think I used thyme, rosemary and oregano), a chicken OXO cube and some chicken Bisto to thicken. 

Transfer this to an oven proof dish and let it cook in the oven for 30-45 mins, the longer the better as everything will just get tastier! Serve with peas and broccoli, if desired. 

This is a great meal to make earlier on, as you can throw everything together then let it all simmer and cook. If you make this during the week, I hope you enjoy, and I also hope that we move into weather that makes stew redundant very quickly! 


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