True Classic: Chocolate Chip Cookies

This post is the first in a series of true classics: recipes that get made again and again, and yet never fail to please! In this case, classic chocolate chip cookies. I made these from the National Trust cookbook, but I have also used the recipe from Tanya Ramsey's book, and from the Hummingbird Bakery.

Here's a link to a very similar recipe from BBC Good Food (one of my go to food sites) Vintage Chocolate Chip Cookies.

I've found that milk chocolate is my favourite, and I usually break a bar into large chunks rather than use chocolate chips. However, using dark or white chocolate may be preferable depending on personal tastes! I also find that I tend to make fewer recipes than the recipe states, as I always make them quite large, about the size of coaster. Also, be sure to leave plenty of space between the cookies on the baking tray as they always spread more than you expect!

Keep an eye out for more in the True Classics Series in the New Year!


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