Current Best Breakfast

Happy Sunday everyone! Thought that I'd share with you one of my current favourite breakfasts - poached egg and avocado on toast. 

I made this with two slices of toast, half of an avocado (one of your five a day), two poached eggs, and some mixed salad leaves. All this is pretty quick to assemble. 

For the poached eggs, I do them one at a time in a small pan of boiling water. Bring the water up to the boil, add a splash of white wine vinegar, and then create a 'whirlpool' in the pan with a wooden spoon. Add the egg to the centre of the whirlpool. I would recommend cracking the egg into a small bowl before adding it to the saucepan, as this will make adding the egg to the centre of the pan easier. Cook for 2-3 minutes, depending on how runny you like your eggs to be, personally I like mine quite runny to provide moisture. Take the egg out after this time using a slotted spoon, and place onto a piece of kitchen roll to soak up excess water, then add the second egg straight to the pan. 

Put in the toast in when you add the second egg to the pan, and then you can assemble the plate once the toast is done, as the egg should be done at pretty much the same time. An easy and an tasty start to the day! 


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