Tomatoey Lentils and Sweet Potatoes

I know, another post with lentils and sweet potato! 

After the success of the curry, I really wanted to make another dish with lentils and sweet potato, but I was lacking the spices and coconut milk needed for a curry!

So, instead I made this. There were two parts to this - the lentils and the sweet potatoes/spinach were cooked seperately.

100g of lentils
1 400g can of chopped tomotoes
Tomato paste
Dried or fresh herbs
1 medium sweet potato
Approx 80g of frozen spinach

Lentil Mix
I boiled the lentils in water for 10 minutes. I then drained them, added a tin of chopped tomatoes, a dollop of tomato paste, and a literal sprinkling of herbs, then let them simmer on the hob for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

Sweet Potatoes and Spinach
This is just as straightforward as the other half! Peel and chop the sweet potato into eight pieces, and place into a pan of boiling water at the same time that you put the lentils on. When you drain the lentils (10 minutes in) take 5-6 bunches of frozen spinach and place into the boiling water with the sweet potatoes. At the 20 minutes mark, drain and serve with the lentils! 

Hope you enjoy this simple improvised recipe!


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