Butternut Squash Soup

Stage 1: Prep the butternut squash.

Step 2: The result of the hour of roasting the squash. 

Final result: beautiful bowl of soup.

This was my first attempt and homemade soup and was just what I needed in this cold winter! This made 4 good-sized portions, and also allowed me to make use of the new soup flask that I got for Christmas!

This recipe was from Mary Berry's Christmas cookbook. The bulk of the soup was butternut squash, with carrots, onions, ginger and stock (I cheated here, using a stock cube and water instead). While it did take a couple of hours, due to the time taken to roast the butternut squash, it was very hands-off, and resulted in a much richer and flavourful soup than from a can. I will definitely be making some more soup in the future! 


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