Gingerbread Tree

Merry Christmas Eve!

I made this gingerbread tree a couple of weeks ago when my boyfriend and I cooked our Christmas dinner together.

I used a standard gingerbread recipe from BBC Good Food website - one of my favourite sources of classic recipes, especially as it often has a few variations so it's possible to find or tweak them. 

The main difficulty with this was the timing. I ended up cooking each gingerbread star on foil so that I could remove them from the tray before they cooled in order to get the next lot of stars in. Warning - you need lots of clear counter space to make these! 

I made two of each size of cutter, using this set that I got a few years ago for my birthday: Really easy to do, once you get the timing correct, and such a stunning effect when stacked and dusted with some icing sugar! 


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