Quick Chocolate Cake

Need to whip up something quickly for a New Year's party for a birthday in the next couple of days?

I made this birthday cake for my brother's birthday last week - he wanted a chocolate cake but we didn't want loads of leftovers due to all the food around for Christmas! 

Step by Step: 

1. Preheat the oven to 180/160 for fan ovens. 

2. Cream 175g of unsalted butter and caster sugar in a mixing bowl.

3. Add 3 medium eggs and mix.

4. Mix in 175g of self-raising flour and 40g of cocoa powder. Mix well until it is all combined, then divide into two circular (greased) baking tins.

5. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the sponge bounces back when touched.

You can then add chocolate butter icing, as I have put in the middle of this cake. I sifted a small amount of icing sugar onto the top.

Enjoy, and Happy New Year! 


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