
Shakshuka is one of my favourite meals currently - and it works just as well for brunch, lunch or dinner.

Dished up - I've yet to find a non messy way to get shakshuka from pan to plate! 

Eggs cooking away! 

Ready to eat with some fresh bread! 

In a large frying pan, start by frying the onion and garlic (half a medium onion per person and two cloves of garlic each) until they are translucent. Then add one red pepper (or a different colour if you have it to hand instead) per person, and lightly fry that too for about five minutes. Then add a teaspoon of paprika and two teaspoons of cumin. Stir and allow that to sink in, then add a tin of chopped tomatoes.

Once that has simmered for about 10 minutes, wilt in a couple of handfuls of spinach, then make a little well for each egg, and crack the egg straight into the well. Allow these to cook for around 5 minutes, or until the white has stopped being translucent. I would recommend two eggs per person.

Once the eggs have cooked, transfer each portion into a bowl,  and serve with fresh crusty bread, which you can spread with either butter or hummus - both work well. Hope you enjoy!

Total cooking and prep time: 25 - 35 mins, depending on how long you allow the mix to simmer for.


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