Mildreds Camden Review

I've been to Mildreds in Camden a couple of times now, and have enjoyed it every time. This branch is right round the corner from me, so I've yet to made it to any of the other three Midreds around London. I am making an effort to have more vegetarian and vegan meals, both at home and while out, so this worked really well, and they were also great complex flavours in each dish.

White bean and kale sausages and mash. The textures here were great, there was also some cabbage with it so it had a very Germanic feel to it.

Sri Lankan Curry - I had a taste of this, but this was Joe's meal, but highlights the great range of dishes they have. 

Two yummy cocktails - I am terrible and can't now remember what we had - but they were good!

This was my next visit with my friend - we both were in a mood for burgers, but couldn't decide which, so we ordered two and split them, as you can see below.

Bourbon Buffalo Chicken Burger and fries. This is a mock 'chick'n' burger - it was odd, but not in a bad way. It looks really like chicken, but a closer texture and did taste good but mostly took on the taste of the fried coating and the sauce and vegetables. 

Mexican black bean burgers and sweet potato fries. This was the other burger we had. I think I preferred this one, as it had a good chunky bean texture, and felt more satisfying than the mock chicken burger. I went back again and had this the next time, it is a solid patty but not dry, and a good size within the the bun.

Half and half burger swap! This provided a great variety and hit the spot on having multiple things that we wanted, both me and friend enjoyed the half and half burger idea!

Overall, I think they have a great menu, with lots of tasty dishes, and I would definitely recommend it!


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