Salmon Carbonara

I recently made this smoked salmon 'carbonara' - I say that loosely as I'm sure it doesn't qualify as a traditional carbonara, but it was still good nonetheless!

This was made with smoked salmon, baby plum tomatoes, spinach and wholewheat pasta. The sauce was lacto-free cream, with egg.

I cooked the pasta, and when that was al dente, drained the majority of the water, and added the other ingredients - the sauce and beaten egg first, then the spinach, smoked salmon and tomatoes. None of these needed to be cooked, just warmed so they didn't need much cooking. I kept the heat on medium so that the egg didn't cook while everything else was warming through. This took only a couple of minutes, but keep an eye on the egg so that it doesn't cook!

Really simple pasta dish that is done very quickly! This could also be adapted for other ingredients so use up any fridge leftovers. I'll have to cook this again soon. 


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