Smoked Salmon Terrines

I made these last weekend as a starter - rather then going out, my boyfriend and I decided to do a fancier dinner at home. These came out really well, and were very simple and quick to make.

Ingredients: one pack of smoked salmon (approx 300g), one avocado, 150g goats cheese, one lemon, then spinach and cherry tomatoes to garnish. 

How to do it: line 6 muffin tins with smoked salmon, making sure the tin is covered. I used a tin with removeable bottoms, which really helped when getting the terrines out.

Next, mix together the goats cheese, avocado and the juice of one lemon in a bowl. Fill the salmon-lined muffin tins with the mixture, then fold any extra smoked salmon over the top.

Leave to set in the fridge for a least a couple of hours, but it can be longer. These are great as they could be make ahead of time if you had a labour-intensive main course.

When you are ready to serve, turn the terrines out - be a bit careful, but if they've had long enough to set they should be solid enough to turn out without too much hassle. Add some chopped cherry tomatoes and spinach on the side, and there you go! 


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