Homemade Pizza

 Parma ham, rocket and mozzarella pizza. 

A slice and a half of the parma ham, rocket and mozzarella pizza. 

Pesto, chorizo and mozzarella pizza.

I made these two pizzas, plus a margarita one, with a couple of friends recently. 

For the Dough
  1. Put 300g of strong bread flour into a mixing bowl or onto your clean kitchen counter. 
  2. Add 1 tsp instant yeast, and 1 tsp salt and mix with a wooden spoon. 
  3. Make a well in the middle of dry ingredients and add of 200ml of warm water (careful that it not too hot or cold as the yeast will not work) and 1 tbsp olive oil, then slowly work into a dough. 
  4. Shape the dough into a ball and chill in the fridge for 30-45 minutes. 
  5. Roll out dough. I shaped them into rectangles in order to fit on the baking tray, with a 1cm crust that I rolled around the edges. 

For the toppings 
  1. Combine a tin of chopped tomatoes, a squirt of tomato paste, a clove of garlic and some oregano and whizz this to a fine sauce (I used my NutriBullet blender to do this).
  2. Use a spoon to spread this evenly over the base. 
  3. Add toppings of your choice! I did three different ones: a margarita (with mozzarella and cheddar) pizza; a pizza with chorizo, mozzarella and pesto and a pizza with parma ham, mozzarella and rocket (added after it was cooked).
Then transfer the pizzas to a chopping board and slice up, ready to eat! You could have any combo on toppings on them, this would also be a good way to use up leftovers by putting them on a pizza! 


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