Easy Lunch to Prep Ahead

Just to start with, I am not this organised with my lunch every week! But, going into the weekend I thought this would be a good time to share this in case anyone is going strong on the food prep for the week ahead!

If I have time on Sunday (and I've gotten bored of having sandwiches) I will aim to prep a salad-style lunch for the week ahead. I've found the best way not to get bored with this by Thursday or Friday is to have lots of different elements to it.

In the photo above, each lunch pot contains

  • Roasted chicken breast - place on a tray, add a glug of olive oil and some rosemary and thyme, then roast for 45 minutes - 1 hour. 
  • Roasted sweet potato - chop into chunks, sprinkle with a little olive oil, ginger and cinnamon, and roast for about an hour until they start to colour. 
  • Grated carrot - just grate! I do about half a carrot per portion.
  • Sautéed butter bean and spinach mix - 100g of butter beans per portion. Place these in a frying pan with a couple of cloves of garlic and then add the fresh spinach in a handful at a time, and cook until the spinach is wilted. 
  • Cooked quinoa and bulgar wheat mix, about 50g (uncooked) per portion.
Not pictured are two other elements - on the morning when I get this out of the fridge I will add a handful of salad leaves, and either a scoop of hummus or a pot of salad dressing to pour on when I eat at lunch time.

This is just a guide to some of my favourite salad lunch components, and I am always on the lookout for other exciting elements to add to my lunch to keep adding fun variety.

Have a good weekend, and a successful food prep if that is something that you do! 


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