Inaugural Friday Roundup

Happy Friday Reading!

A lot of my favourite blogs share Friday round ups weekly, sharing some favourite links and article of the week! So I thought I would start this too, sharing some of my favourite things for the week. My plans for the weekend involve watching my first ever cricket match down in London, and celebrating my Dad's birthday with a at Bistrot Pierre in Leamington Spa on Saturday night.

This will hopefully reflect my Saturday night!

For the first week of this roundup, I thought I would share where I got some of my inspiration from:

I have read this blog for years, and it is still one that I check in with weekly! An amazing read, everytime and something that I look forward to reading on a Friday!

Dinner A Love Story is a blog (and cookbook) that I've mentioned on here before. While they don't share a round up every Friday, here is the most recent one

Here is a another blog that I've got into recently, this is more of a fitness and running blog but she shares a whole variety of lifestyle posts as well!

Hope you enjoy these and I hope to keep this up and share more Friday Roundups in the future! Have a great weekend!


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