Chicken and Bacon Pie

 Pie filling after I put it into the ceramic dish 

Finished Pie! 

Chicken and Bacon Pie (serves 4)

I began by chopping up 2 large chicken breasts. I started cooking these in some olive oil for a few minutes, and then I added a plain flour to cover them. After a couple of minutes, I than added a glass of milk and a glass of water to the mixture, so create a sauce over the chicken. While that's cooking for a few minutes, chop up 2 carrots and 2 portions of broccoli and add these to the pan. After five minutes, chop and add 4 bacon rashers, as well as an OXO cube and some herbs. If the sauce is too thick at this point, add some more milk. 

Let this simmer for about 20 minutes. During this time, roll out the puff pastry to the size of the dish you're using and pre-heat the oven to 170 degrees. At this point, peel and chop 2 potatoes. 

After 20 minutes of simmering, take the pan off the heat and transfer into a ceramic dish, and lay the pastry on top. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown. I like to serve this with mash potatoes, so at the same time the pie goes in, put the potatoes onto boil. After half an hour, drain the potatoes, mash them with milk and butter, and serve up the pie!


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