Sausage and Mash Twist

This was my dinner last night! I think I've made a similar version before on this blog, but I thought I would share the update!

Take on sausages: In a frying pan, with a small glug of oil, brown the sausages (2 per person) for 10 minutes. Then cut each sausage into 4 and add to a saucepan. Then add a can of chopped tomatoes and a can of mixed beans (drained) into the saucepan. Give it all a good mix and let it simmer for 15 minutes.

Take on mash: the mash was half regular potato and half sweet potato. I've being using a lot more sweet potatoes recently, I've found they really just up take mash up to a new level! Cut both types of potatoes into small chunks, about 2-3 cm, and then boil on the hob for about 15 minutes, until soft and mashable. Drain the potatoes, then add butter and milk to get the taste/texture that you like, and mash!

To do the two at the same time - get the sausages browning, and get start peeling and chopping the potatoes (or get the other person eating with you to do one of these). Then make sure both saucepans go on at same time. I served this up with peas, and it was an ideal (fairly) healthy yet comforting winter meal!

Hope you enjoy this different take on sausage and mash :) 


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