Browns - Edinburgh Review

Back in May (I've got a bit of a backlog of posts to share, it's been a busy few weeks and I've not been able to get as many out as I would like!) I went up to Edinburgh for the Edinburgh Marathon Festival and ran the Edinburgh Half Marathon. 

A good run is celebrated with a  good meal, and so on the Sunday evening after the race we headed out to Browns in Edinburgh for a celebratory meal!
We shared a starter and had a buffalo mozzarella ball with pesto and tomatoes - this is one of my favourites, and Brown's version did not disappoint! I also started off with a fun berry cocktail and Joe, who you can see in the background, had a whiskey.

For my main course I had this tasty salmon dish. It was light, and the salmon was cooked well. It was a fairly small portion, served with some potatoes, tomatoes and greens, however I think the dish as a whole worked very well, and since I had three courses, this was enough of a main course for me! 

And finally, we shared a sticky toffee pudding for dessert! I would happily have a sticky toffee pudding without ice cream, however this did work very well and melted nicely down the pudding. 

Three great courses, and good service and drinks as well. I would recommend this if you are up in Edinburgh, or see one elsewhere! 


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