Easy Pitta Bread Pizzas

Chicken, chorizo and spinach pizza

Chicken, chorizo and spinach pizza (left) and chicken, chorizo and mushroom pizza (middle and right)

This was my easy Friday night dinner last week after a busy week! This would work for any quick weeknight dinner, especially if you cook the dinner in advance.

To make: have one-two pitta breads per person, and then add two or three spoonfuls of chopped tinned tomatoes spread over each pitta. Then add whatever toppings you want! I like having a mix of stuff - mine is the pizza on the left! This would also work well with children as you could let them add their own toppings.

Place in the oven on a baking tray for 10 minutes, or until the cheese has nicely melted. Hope you enjoy the ease but tastiness of these!


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