Meatballs and Butter Bean Pasta

As we move into September, it's definitely starting to feel just a bit autumnal here! So, here is a bit of a autumn/winter comfort meal! It is turkey meatballs, a butter bean and tomato sauce, with pasta and broccoli.

Ingredients (serves two)
One medium onion
250g turkey (or beef) mince
Dried oregano
Dried thyme
Tinned tomatoes
Tomato puree
200g butter beans
100g short pasta
160g broccoli


  1. Place a frying pan on the hob (large enough to fit all the meatballs - approx. 3 per person) and heat it up with a glug of olive oil.
  2. While this is heating up for a minute or so, shape your meatballs. I know there are many different ways to make meatballs, but I just use the meat, plus some dried herbs (would recommend some oregano and thyme).
  3. Add chopped onion to the pan and allow it to brown.
  4. Put the meatballs in the pan and keep turning them over as they cook. 
  5. Once they have coloured on the outside, add the tinned tomatoes and butter beans. Add a generous squirt of tomato puree, and sprinkling of herbs. Allow to simmer for 12 - 15 minutes. 
  6. Now add the pasta and broccoli (chopped fairly small) to a pan of boiling water. Cook this for 10 minutes or until both the pasta and broccoli feel cooked. I tend to go by when the pasta is cooked more than the broccoli.
  7. Drain the pasta and broccoli, and serve up with meatballs, butter bean and tomato sauce. 

This all comes together quickly, and it is filling with the meatballs and butter beans. This is also a good recipe to make extra portions of, as it reheats well. Hope you enjoy! 


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