Chicken (and vegetarian) Enchiladas

Enchilladas wrapped and ready for cheese

Top: 2 vegetarian enchilladas. Bottom: 6 chicken enchilladas, both pre-oven 

Out of the oven with lots of melted cheese! 

End result on the plate!

So for these I cooked small pieces of chicken on the hob (would also work with other meat fillings), and added tomoatoes, peppers and fajita spice. I followed the same method with the vegetarian enchiladas, as I used 'chicken-style' protein strips. I then put the filling into the wrap and rolled them up like a burrito, then snugly fit then into the dish, allowing for two per person. Next I covered them with a small portion of the tomatoy sauce and some cheddar cheese, then cooked in the over for around 10 minutes until the cheese had fully melted. I served with some brown rice.


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