My Favourite Chicken

Finished product: chicken, mash potato with a light tomato sauce, peas and carrots

Dredging stations: flour, egg and crushed cornflakes

Chicken with the covering, ready to be cooked 

Three cooked chicken breasts

So, for a girl who eats a lot of chicken, it's a pretty big claim to say: this is my favourite.

So let me clarify. This is the most fun chicken dish to prepare, and is just superbly moist when it comes out of the oven. I also think, although I chose to have it with mash potato and vegetables, you could have this with almost any side dish.

The recipe for the chicken is from Dinner A Love Story:

Personally though, I do them a little bit thicker and use a whole breast for each one, so they feel very far away from a nugget. I put a little bit of tomato sauce on top of each part-cooked breast, along with a mix of mozzarella and cheddar cheese, then baked them for 20 minutes. About 5 minutes before the end I added a bit of extra cheese, because why not!

I served them with potatos and vegetables, but I think next time I'm going to try them with pasta.

These are much easier than they first look, and it is such an easy way to get a really moist and tasty bit of chicken!


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